Akhil KV

IOT Enthusiast

Physical Design Engineer

ML Enthusiast

RHEL Developer

Akhil KV

IOT Enthusiast

Physical Design Engineer

ML Enthusiast

RHEL Developer

Teaching Aid For Differentially Abled Students Using BCI

  • Created By: Akhil KV
  • Date: December 2019
  • Categories: Neural Networking

 The seven wonders of the world are to see, to Hear, to touch, to taste, to feel, to laugh and to love. The most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man. If any of the above or a combination of the above are not possessed by any human being he/ she is considered as disabled person, currently termed as ‘Diferently abled’. It is an umbrella term covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. A good method of teaching is based on multisensory approach, whether teaching disabled or nondisabled children.

While teaching, the teacher should bear in mind that children with disabilities have reduction in the range and variety of some learning experiences due to their disabilities. Parents of disabled children should be made aware that disabled children are educable – so parents should make concerted efforts to seek for information about education of their children. The Rules and Regulations passed by parliaments of the relevant countries should help the disabled to be employed. What has been observed in the field is that disabled people themselves, parents of disabled children and those who work with disabled people are not aware of the conventions, documents and agreements, yet they are important in the development of appropriate services for people with disabilities.

used technologies
  • Neural Networking